Contaminants come in many different shapes and sizes, the problem is; most of them are color-less, odor-less, and too small for us to see. Here are some of the chemical contaminants New Jersey natives are up against.

Alpha radiation exists in the soil, in the air, and also in water. Bedrock in the earth contains different amounts of radioactive elements, so levels of alpha radiation in water also vary. Gross Alpha testing detects these alpha particles in the water and indicates the presence of radioactive substances, such as radium 224 and radium 226. There are also other radioactive substances, besides radium, that may contribute to the gross alpha radiation in water.
Extremely high level of alpha radiation is a concern because it interacts with genetic material and has been known to cause cancer. The cancers associated with radiation can cover the full range of carcinomas and sarcomas.
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.
Schedule a FREE water quality analysis now!

Hundreds of sites across the US, including military facilities where thousands of service members and their families live and work, have been contaminated for years with a class of toxic chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). PFAS exposure is associated with a host of health impacts, including various cancers and reproductive and immune system problems
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.

Ingetion of large amounts of inorganic arsenic is associated with increased risk of several types of cancer in humans including skin, lung, liver, kidney and urinary bladder. Other potential effects of ingestion of elevated arsenic include gastrointestinal ailments, such as diarrhea and cramping, thickening and/or discoloration of the skin, increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular impacts.
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.

DBP’s are present in most drinking water supplies that have been subject to chlorination, chloramination, ozonation, or treatment with chlorine dioxide. Many hundreds of DBP’s exist in treated drinking water and at least 600 have been identified; only a handful of DBP’s are actually monitored. Increasingly it is recognized that the genotoxicities and cytotoxicities of many of the DBP’s not subject to regulatory monitoring, are comparatively much higher than those DBP’s commonly monitored. Chloramine has become a popular disinfectant in the US, and it has been found to produe N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which is a possible human carcinogen. NDMA is cclassified as a B2 (probable human) carcinogen based on the induction of tumors in both rodents and nonrodent mammals exposed to NDMA by various routes.
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.

Also Called drug pollution, pharmaceutical pollution is pollution in water used in industry and environment that maintains the presence of prescription or over-the-counter drugs and medications. 47 different pharmaceutical drugs were detected in source water samples that feed into drinking water treatment plants, and 37 different drugs were found in the water after it was treated at 25 drinking water treatment plants across the US, according to a report. No matte how you may be exposed, pharmaceutical pollution in our drinking water is a serious issue. Thankfully, there are measures we can take to save our health and our environment.
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.
For more information on the levels of contaminants in your city water, click here and enter your zipcode for both regulated and non-regulated contaminants.