For more information on the levels of contaminants in your city water, click here and enter your zipcode for both regulated and non-regulated contaminants.
Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens, which include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasites, and viruses! Pathogens of all classes must have mechanisms for entering their host – In most cases, water is the easiest way to infection of a host. Let’s take a look at some common ones found in our New Jersey water, and the effects that they may have on us.

Can Cause:
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Stomach cramps (abdominal pain)
- Diarrhea that is often bloody.
- Fever of about 100 F to 101 F
- Malaise.
- Loss of appetite.
- Mild dehydration.
E. coli is too small to see with the naked eye. The presence of E. coli in water is a strong symptom of recent sewage or animal waste contamination, and is an indication that your water source may contain many types of other disease-causing organisms.
Waste can enter the water through different avenues, including sewage overflows, sewage systems that are not working properly, polluted stormwater and agricultural runoff.
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.

Can Cause:
- Watery diarrhea.
- Dehydration.
- Lack of appetite.
- Weight loss.
- Stomach cramps or pain.
- Fever.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
Cryptosporidium are parasites that are one of the more common causes of infectious diarrhea in humans. This parasite is difficult to eradicate because it’s resistant to many chlorine-based disinfectants and can’t be effectively removed by many filters. Cryptosporidia can also survive in the environment for many months at varying temperatures, though the parasite can be destroyed by freezing or boiling.
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.

Can Cause:
- Cough.
- Shortness of breath.
- Fever.
- Muscle aches.
- Headaches.
Legionella bacteria can cause a serious type of pneumonia (lung infection) called Legionnaires’ disease. The bacteria can also cause a less serious illness called Pontiac fever. Legionella organisms can be found in many types of water systems. However, the bacteria reproduce to high numbers in warm, stagnant water (95 F-115 F), such as that which is found in certain plumbing systems, hot-water tanks, cooling towers, and evaporative condensers of large air-conditioning systems, and hot tubs.
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.

Can Cause:
- Abdominal pain.
- Diarrhea.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Coughing.
- Runny Nose.
- Itchy Throat.
- Shortness of Breath.
Pathogenic enteric viruses are responsible for a wide range of infections in humans, with diverse symptoms. Raw and partially treated wastewaters are major sources of environmental contamination with enteric viruses. Among the pathogenic enteric viruses, norovirus (NoV), enterovirus (EV), adenovirus, astrovirus, and rotavirus have been found frequently in municipal wastewaters worldwide.
Solutions: We recommend a water treatment system customized to suit your specific water quality test results. An investment in peace of mind and low maintenance costs keep you at ease for years to come.